


Hello and welcome on my presentation website !
I'm beginner in HTML so be indulgent !

You can access on the table sorting here !

You can contact me around here !

This website has for aim to present me but it's a little empty...

All words who has a link send the website in a another page. So don't worries that this wonderful page disappear !

I was help by Websenso employee and by a OpenClassrooms tuto



  1. Zoom on me
  2. My schooling
  3. Somes sports
  4. My passions

A little plus on me

My name is Clément Di Gallo and I lives in Gap. I'm 14 years old. I have 2 little brothers : Quentin 11 years old and Forian 7 years old. My mother name Christine and my father Frédéric. I have practically all my grandparent, I have only my maternal grandfather is dead before my birthday. My maternal grandfather have German origins but lives actually in France. It's on of the reason I have taken German at middle school

My schooling

I learn at Fontreyne middle school and I'm in year 3 (french system).(year 10 in english system)
There is my timetable :

7h55-8h55 German Math IT option
Biology History a b
9h-9h55 English French Physic Music Technology
10h10-11h Art English French French Histoiry
11h05-11h55 Maths Physics a
13h-13h55 Read club Choir Webradio club Sport
14h-14h55 Sport German English
15h05-16h a
b Histoiry Europa
16h05-17h Europa
Maths German
The little a or the little b make a reference to the week were we in. E.g. : The monday on a week, I have lessons from 15h05 to 17h. Whereas in b week, I finish lessons on 14h055.
I do a lot of club in this one: I do read club, I do school choir photo choir concert may 2019 and webradio that we record, we edit and we publish on the website. You can hear an emission here :

And, when I can, I go to Virtual school club the Friday. Why only sometimes ? Because I have sport from 13h to 15h, the hours of the rasemblement. So, I go in this only when I haven't sport. You have a reportage on virtual school and I'm in !!!

I make some options as well : I do math IT option. This option add me 1h of math in plus in my timetable and we do complex maths problem like inversion geometry. We have been a part of maths contest "Maths sans frontière" too. I make Europa option as well. It's an option who add 1h30 of German in our timetable and we do some projects like the Berlin Wall project () or a 360° project in Berlin (example here). I have already do a project with maths : a game where you are a hero . You can see below :

My sports

I do many sports but primarily some judo and some kayak. I am brown belt brown belt in judo.On Saturdays, I help babies (between 3 and 6 years old) who do judo. I went to do some judo tournament. You can have some video of those one here. I do lots of kayak too

groupe de kayakist Groupe de kayakist sur un rocher de la Méouge Clément en train de surfer un vague groupe de kayakist à la piscine

I entertain good ! The club president have an youtube channel where he post his kayak videos. This is below a video exemple :

I do of course some sport with the school. And before I did athletics as well. You need to know also that I practice sport with my family like cycling but especially skiing

My others passions

I'm fond of reading. So, I have read many books :

Well, I can't remember all books !

I follow lots of IT too, which allowed me to create this site but I am often on Discord. My pseudo is Merlode#5425 and I am modérator on some servers and I temper the chat for all bad contains don't stay. (like insults or shocking image). Recently, I incorporated in a "raid against team" who name Protect. There is people who "watch" Discord user and ban in a blacklist users who not respect the Discord rules. I am so a member of Protect.

I love make films as well, this passion is in me fo when I was small but I have advenced. All my films are on Youtube but you have my videos playlist below :


There you go, I think it's all that I would say... Thank you for listening to me and See you soon !

Clément Di Gallo